Monday, January 12, 2009

We represent a growing society based on positive change and progressive development. The objective is to promote Social, Economical, and Political change within every race and class.

To win a war is to be ready at all times by truly knowing yourself and even more your enemy. We can help you part of the way but with your dedication we will win more than peace we will bring forth an awakening of mind, body and soul to flourish from what now seems to be ashes.

U.S.G is based on three key principals:

1.Mentally Fit
We encourage all to educate and empower themselves. To become mentally fit means the gain of knowledge for personal and progressive development. With knowledge, greater achievements and positive change become more than a possibility. We must remember that we are all fighting for the same reasons: Hunger, Education, Economics, Sexism, Racism, and most of all Freedom to be individuals. Educating ourselves about these issues is the first step in making a difference.

“Our past is a perfect example of change and what comes from change when properly educated about it .” Paul A. Byrd Jr., 2007.

2. Physically Fit
U.S.G believes that the body is as valuable as the mind. As with the mind, the body needs to be kept healthy and physically fit. U.S.G encourages activity to obtain optimal physical performance. Our goal is to promote awareness of how fragile the human body is and how mistreating it can be harmful, if not deadly. To be clear minded and ready for change, the first step is to start from within. A fitness regimen, proper dieting and limiting intake of harmful drugs and alcohol will give the body a revitalization necessary to progress to the next level of consciousness and physical conditioning.

And three you will have to wait to see.

“To be nobody but yourself in a world which is doing its best, night and day, to make you everybody else means to fight the hardest battle which any human being can fight; and never stop fighting. “ E.E. Cummings, 1955.

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